Titan Laws of Swimming

  1. Come to practice.
  2. Be an athlete. Do things the hard way. Take stairs instead of elevators, carry your bag, don't drag it, practice good posture.
  3. Lead the lane at least once a week.
  4. Three of the most important components of swimming are: technique, technique, technique.
  5. Strive for optimum, not maximum performance. Remember efficiency is where races are won.
  6. Do everything balanced. Balance align, stabilize your body first. Lead with your head and everything else will follow.
  7. Seek the path least resistance.
  8. Become effortless. becoming effortless requires great effort.
  9. Listen to the water, feel the water, be one with the water. Never fight water, work with it, swim quietly.
  10. The mind leads the body. Think correctly and you will swim correctly.
  11. Practice does not make perfect. PERFECT PRACTICE makes perfect. What you do in practice will determine what you do in meets.
  12. The fastest you will ever travel through the water is off the you start, the second-fastest is off the walls. Make you middle name "streamline."
  13. Don't think of pulling the water. Learn to anchor your hands, using high catch, and then move your body past your arms.
  14. Power is generated from the core of the body. Use you kick to keep forward movement in the water and then use your shoulders to generate additional arm speed.
  15. You MUST kick during all races. So KICK DURING PRACTICE. If you want to be faster, start by kicking faster.
  16. Relax from the inside out.
  17. Develop a great IM.
  18. Attack your race.
  19. Embrace your opponents. They make you a faster and better swimmer.
  20. Use visual and mental imagery of yourself achieving and surpassing your goals. 
  21. Swim smart. Remember we're looking for efficient swimming, not just fast swimming.
  22. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. Never be satisfied, always strive for new and better techniques.
  23. Ask before you:
    1. Get out for any reason.
    2. Modify a set
  24. Don't be the last one in the door or in the pool.
  25. Learn when possible from the most knowledgeable source, LEARN! And then Teach!
  26. Leave all areas better than when we got there.
  27. Practice the details. Ask an upper-classman to help you.
  28. Starts and turns.
  29. Starts and turns.

-As written by Sunshine, Assistant Coach, 2010-2011 Season

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