New Swimmers

This page is directed specifically towards you! I hope I can answer some of your questions and such with this page. It's long, but bear with me.

So when I was a little Freshmen about to start swimming, I was nervous. Was the team all fun and all games, or no fun no games? What do I need get? What kind of goggles should I get? Will I know anyone? Will I make the team because I don't know how to swim? How hard is it? I'm sure many of you have those questions and more. Read on, and hopefully we can clear it up some.

What stuff do I need to get?
     You'll need the following: Goggles (Speedo Vanquishers are by far the best, and Olympians use them!) (I usually get three, 2 for practices, and a pair strictly for meets), a Suit (Girls, one pieces. If you want a long lasting suit, but little drag, use Speedo Endurance suits. The Dolfin Uglies are great practice suits but wear out a little quicker. Guys, Jammers or Speedos, it's up to you!) and a towel which you'll need EVERY DAY. Girls, if you want a cap, I suggest getting a silicone one (they last longer, and don't pull your hair as bad when you take them off. Try and get ones without a logo.)
What is the team like?
      If you want to see what the team is like, just go look at the pictures at the following link. It explains them all perfectly. Click Me!
Will I make the team even though I know nothing about competitive swimming?
     If you have the Academic Requirements, and the commitment, I can almost guarantee it. As a team, we help everybody learn how to swim all four strokes, and we are always giving each other things to work on each practice. Just a tip to you, when you're learning, focus on one thing each and every practice. It can be a multitude of things, just pick one thing you want to focus on on your stroke the ENTIRE practice long, and by the next practice it will be a natural thing that you'll barely even focus on.
Where can I get my stuff from?
     I get all my swim stuff online, simply because it's cheaper and I can shop in the comfort of my own home. I get it online at the following website. Click Me!
How big does my suit need to be?
     If it's not a practice suit, you'll want it to be about 1-2 sizes than what you find comfortable. The reason why is because you want drag (a force that "drags" you down when you swim.) when you practice. It will make you stronger so in a meet, you cut right through the water. If it's a meet suit, you'll want it 1-2 sizes SMALLER than what you find comfortable. Yes it's tight, and that's the way it's supposed to be. If you have red lines on your shoulders after trying on your competition suit, then you have the right size.
What are the meets like?
      Well that depends on what you mean. If you mean when you're not swimming, let's put it this way. We always bring food in our bags. And the saying "what goes in the back of the bus, stays in the back of the bus" can also be derived from the bus rides to and from the school to the meet. While you're swimming? It can get confusing. You're focusing so hard on your stroke and trying to win, but sometimes you can still hear people screaming at you to go faster. The stadium goes nuts and you know that you're tied with someone, but you don't know if they're cheering for you or the enemy, so it can get confusing. The meets, they're always fun. Always.
How hard is swimming?
     Have you ever heard your parents or a coach tell you, "it's all in your head?" Well, I hate to say it, but they were right. If you have a closed head, and you don't open it up, you will find swimming extremely difficult, and not fun. If you open it up, and just go with the flow, you'll love it. I promise.
How hard is practice?
     It depends on two things: 1) If we have a meet coming up 2) If we have a break coming up. Usually they aren't too bad, but it's a workout so it's going to be a little difficult, just stick with it, and you'll be fine.

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