Saturday, October 22, 2011

Looking for a new suit?

Hey Titans!
Are you looking for a new suit? How bout one of those caps that you see all the other swimmers on the team from years past wearing? Or maybe a jacket that looks almost like a trench coat, not to mention that's super warm, waterproof on the outside, and 1/3 of what you pay goes towards the team? Then go see Patches! Patches is commonly known as Officer Neilson, but trust me, he's super nice and cool, so just talk to him and let him know what you want. He's selling the following items:
Deck Jackets: $75 (Remember, $25 of that will go to the swim team, so buy one if you don't have one!)
Suits: Price Varies (Mainly for the women, but there was a Speedo in there.)
Caps: $5

Friday, October 21, 2011


One more thing I forgot to add. Our team has a tradition, once the season is over, we have a banquet, and at every banquet, one of our team members makes a video recapping all the fun things we've done throughout the season. So, I will be taking pictures of us all at our meets, and if this in any way bothers you, I need to know so that I remember not to take pictures of you. But if it doesn't bother you, then I will take plenty of pictures. Please note, these pictures will likely end up on Facebook and possibly this blog if I decide to put them here, so please notify me if there is a problem with that. I will be attempting to get some action shots of you swimming, so you can use those however way you like if you think they look good. Please contact me ASAP through E-Mailing me or talking to me in person when we have extra time during practice.

Looking for something?

Hey Titans,
Are you looking for a new suit? How about those trench coat looking jackets that everyone is calling a Deck Jacket? Or even a cap that you see people wearing from years past? Then you need to go and see Patches (AKA Officer Neilson) ASAP! He's selling a ton of suits (the vast majority of which are womens suits), caps, and Deck Jackets. The caps he is selling for $5, and the Deck Jackets are $75, remember that $25 of that total will go back towards the swim team, so please get one and help out the team!

Also, tomorrow, Saturday the 22nd, we have the Boonanza! PLEASE bring the stuff you signed up to bring. Remember, if you don't, we will have a VERY unsuccessful Boonanza this year, and we need all the money we can get, so please bring those items.

You guys are doing great at the meets, I really hope that they have opened your eyes to how much harder you need to work during practice to accomplish the goals you wish to surpass, and maybe even that certain stroke you need help with. Also going along with the meets, I see a problem. No one's cheering for anybody on the team! Okay, there's a few, but I'd like to see ALL the team cheering your team mates on. It truly does help when you have people cheering you on. I understand that you'll be tired from your previous event, but please cheer your team on. I'll try and encourage people to help us cheer on people, but it would be nice to have you all do it on your own.

For now, that's all I have to say, good luck at your next meet, and remind your parents about the Pasta party so we can have one at our next meet. Work hard, and continue swimming your heart out!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A little news...

So as you all may know, we have a meet tomorrow vs. Jordan! This means that you ALL need to be in the school by the vending machines, on the side nearest the seminary! This also means that ninth graders need to get checked out by their parents since we cannot get you guys out of class. Meets are a ton of fun, and I hope I see more people cheering this meet than at the mock meet. CHEER YOUR TEAM ON! Not only is it fun, it helps your teammates and makes the long meets go by quicker. Let's all cheer everyone on!

Along the lines of meets, I want to give one suggestion. I know how excited you all may be to see your events, but please see if your in the first 2 events, and move if you aren't, that way, those who are in the first 2 events can see that and quickly get to where they need to be. If you need help reading the heat sheets, let somebody know and we'll gladly help you.

Also with meets, we have a Pasta Party! Those are super fun, and a great way to get to know your team. Basically, you go to someone's house, eat Spaghetti, and have fun! So I really hope to see the team there tonight. The Pasta Party is at Colby's house, so please come and be respectful of his house.

The fundraiser for Saturday has been cancelled since our team didn't get the papers in on team. That's all I have to say!

Great job at the practices, please get in the water BY 2:45!!!! And good luck to all on the Meet! See you all at the Pasta Party!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

An update on the Mock Meet

Just so that everyone knows the date of the Mock Meet has been moved, it is now on Friday, as in, this coming Friday! I hope you'll all still be there!